Thursday, December 19, 2013


I had a lot of fun taking Japanese this semester. I kinda wish I took it earlier but I guess I'll have to try to study on my own now. みなさんがんばります!

Sunday, December 8, 2013



I first found out about Nujabes (his name being Seba Jun) from watching Samurai Champloo, which featured a lot of his music.

One of my favorite songs by him is Counting Stars ( aka Shino's Theme), which played at a really beautiful scene where Jin, one of the main protagonists, sends Shino off on a boat to safety after rescuing her from an otherwise cruel fate of working off her husband's debt in a brothel. This was an amazing episode that really developed Jin's character as someone who also falls in love, and not just a stoic samurai.

Nujabes also worked with MINMI to create this lovely piece which played at the conclusion of some of the episodes. It really captured the mood well, and is another one of my favorite songs he worked on.

It's a shame he passed away, but the music he left behind will ensure that nobody will ever forget him.

ちくしょう(dammit), 今コンピューターでアニメをみます、たくさんしゅくだいをしません。>_<

Saturday, December 7, 2013


今ばんたくさんさけとビールをのんで、カラオケをしました。こうこうせいのときにまいにちコーラスとうたいしました(I used to be in the chorus in HS and sing everyday)。いま僕のこえ(voice)はちょっとわるいです、でも僕はうたうことがすきです(but I still like singing)。

Since I really like Suneohair, and the anime Arakawa Under the Bridge, I decided to cover the ending song, Sakasama Bridge. I wanted to do the guitar part too, でもむずかしかったですよ!So I just used a kind stranger's instrumentals cover I found on youtube.

Voice Recorder >>

I hope I didn't make your ears bleed too much :O

Friday, December 6, 2013



Thursday, December 5, 2013

こうこう生のときにはどうでしたか?(What was HS like for you)


I used to play Magic the Gathering a lot after classes were over in HS. A lot of money was wasted on this hobby, but at least I can put some of it to use for studying Japanese now! Kind of...

It's nice to realize you can read and understand some stuff now after studying for a semester.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013


サンクスギビングの休みにコンピュータでオンラインかいものをしました。それは僕のあたらしくて、あかいシャツです。かっこいいですね (But you won't catch me wearing this outside! Ok maybe.)。その日本語のかんじはわかりません、でも中国語はわかります。
It should translate into something like Danger, beware of electricity. 

Sunday, December 1, 2013



Wednesday, November 13, 2013


僕は中国人(ちゅごくじん)です、でも家はアメリカスタイルのアパートです。僕のアパートはスタジオです、それはひとつ(single) のへやのアパートですよ。とても小さいですね、でも家の中にたくさんものがあります。日本人家に炊飯器(たくはんき=rice cooker)があります。僕の家のキッチンにもあります。その理由(りゆ=reason)が中国人はもご飯(ごはん=rice)をたべますよ。アメリカスタイルのアパートの中にせんたっき(washer)とかんそうき(dryer)がありませんですけどパートのビルのちか(basement)にありますよ。

Thursday, October 24, 2013



シャオさん:あの。。。にほんに なにが ありますか。
わたし:おいしいたべもの(delicious food)ですよ。


Sunday, October 13, 2013



Thursday, October 10, 2013

誕生日おめでとう (たんじょうびおめでとう=Happy Birthday!)

今日は杉田智和さんの誕生日です! (Today is Sugita Tomokazu's birthday!) 

Sugita, Tomokazu
杉田さんはとてもいいせいゆうですよ。(He's a very good voice actor.)
He's the guy at the end of this clip who kicks the radio. His screams are glorious.

He voiced Gintoki Sakata from Gintama as well as a bunch of other guys.

Friday, October 4, 2013

ムービーナイトのエッセイ (movie night essay)

今日の晩(きょうのばん)は八時(はちじ)デバートロで映画(えいが)を見(み)ました。この(this) ムービーナイトの映画はみやざきさんのほたるのはかです。本当に(ほんとうに=really)悲しい(かなしい=sad)映画です。でも僕はちょっと(little bit) 怒る(おこる=angry)です。なぜですか(why?)。それの理由(りゆう=reason)はせつこの死(し=death)。せつこの死はかいひできるでした(was avoidable)。
 Ok, I'm pretty sure I made several mistakes trying to google words to talk about the movie in Japanese so please excuse my わるいにほんご。 I will now continue in English.
Miyazaki's movies usually have lots of social commentary and Grave of the Fireflies is no exception. There is a lot of obvious anti-war sentiments shown throughout the movie but one thing that really stood out to me was Seita's pride and the interactions between him and the adults. There is zero compassion from the adults for the war orphaned children throughout the film. This disconnect can be seen in the beginning of the film where the janitors casually mention "oh, there's another dead kid." It can be seen again when Seita and Setsuko move in with their aunt, and when Seita is caught stealing from the farmer. I believe Miyazaki is trying to remind people to have some shred of empathy for others, especially now in this modern age where people are too preoccupied with themselves and often turn a blind eye to those in need. This brings me to my other point, which is Seita's pride.
After suffering through his aunt's verbal abuse, Seita makes the decision to take Setsuko and move into some shelter by a lake. While it's certainly brave of Seita to do this, we soon see how foolish of a decision it actually is. A crucial point in this movie is when Seita has run out of food and tries to get more from a farmer, but the farmer refuses him. However, the farmer offers him some advice. He tells Seita to suck up his pride, and beg his aunt to take them back in. He also tells him to be brave, as he is a Navy officer's son, but is he telling him to be brave to march on and continue taking care of Setsuko on his own? Or is he telling him to be brave and confront his aunt? I think this is a critical scene that shows the effect of the disconnect between the older and younger generations.  Seita's unwillingness to seek out his aunt for help isn't unwarranted given the fact of how much of a bitch his aunt is, but Seita refuses to throw his pride away, not even for the sake of Setsuko... and I guess that's why I was a little bit mad about her death. I believe Miyazaki is trying to show people that both generations are in the wrong. The older generation is too critical of the younger generation, while the younger generation is too prideful. This behavior has caused a rift that'll only continue to widen in the modern world as people operate more like robots that cannot empathize with others.

Maybe I'm just grasping at straws. I need to go watch something happy to balance things out.
 恋愛ラボS2はどこですか。(れんあいラボ=Love Lab).

Monday, September 30, 2013


先週末のどようび僕(ぼく)はフットボールゲームをみませんでした。でもたくさん(a lot) のアニメを見(み)ました。先週末のにちようび"Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs"の映画(えいが)を見ました。そして日本語(にほんご)をべんきょうしました。今週(こんしゅう)のかようびのテストはちょっとこわい(little bit scary) ですね。でも僕はにげちゃダメだ!(mustn't run away)
At least I'm just taking a test, not like the fate of humanity is resting on my shoulders

みなさん"新世紀エヴァンゲリオン"(Neon Genesis Evangelion) を見ますか?

Sunday, September 22, 2013


この週末(this weekend)、僕はチョーヤ(choya is a brand)梅酒 (うめしゅ= plum wine)をのみました。おいしい (delicious) です。でも本当に(ほんとうに = really)甘い (あまい=sweet) です。Just in case you were curious, those plums on the bottom taste like 90% alcohol x_x

そして、僕の家(うち)でアニメ映画(えいが)“言の葉の庭”(ことのはのにわ=The Garden of Words) を見(み)ました。アニメーション (animation) はとてもいいですよ。面白い (おもしろい=interesting)ですけどみじかい(short)   です(四十分ごろ = about 40 minutes)。
For those interested, this is the latest movie directed by Shinkai, Makoto, who also directed "5 Centimeters per Second" and the "Ef" series among a few other works. So basically, he's the guy who steals your delicious tears. Even if you don't enjoy the story, you'll definitely be entranced by the animation. It's a short movie about two people who happen to meet at a park during the rainy season. 

Tuesday, September 17, 2013


僕は毎日(まいにち)午前(ごぜん)十時(じゅうじ)ごろに起きます(おきます). そしてよく朝ご飯(あさごはん)を食べます(たべます)。たいてい午後(ごご)十二時(じゅうにじ)にクラスに行きます(いきます)。その後(そのあと)午後五時(ごぜんごじ)ごろに家(うち)に帰ります(かえります)。僕はぜんぜん図書館(としょかん)に行きません。いつも家でしゅくだいをします。七時(しちじ)ごろ晩ご飯(ばんごはん)を食べます。そして、シャワーを浴びます(あびます)。その後,アニメをみます。いつも午前二時ごろに寝ます(ねます)。

Saturday, September 7, 2013



I'd like to introduce everyone to an artist that goes by the name of スネオヘアー(Suneohair)。I first started listening to him after hearing the ending song "ワルツ" (Waltz) of the anime ハチミツとクローバー(Honey and Clover). The melody and lyrics really fit the series, so every time I hear this song, I'm always reminded of the tears I shed the bittersweet moments that I endured.

While I'm at it, here's another one of my favorite songs by him, "オレンジ" (Orange). 

I should stop myself before I link any more.

Thursday, August 29, 2013


I hope my anxiety with finding a job soon isn't showing too much through the name of this blog. The main reason why I chose to study Japanese is so I won't have to wait for games, anime, or manga to be translated before I can enjoy them. Although I'm aware that it will be a while before I ever reach that level... In any case, I hope to build a solid foundation so that after I graduate this term, I will be able to continue studying on my own. I plan on visiting Japan after I go see my family in Shanghai next summer, so hopefully by then I'll be able to communicate on a basic level.