Wednesday, October 15, 2014


Ah, all those nights of drinking and smoking and passing out without brushing my teeth in college finally caught up to me. Getting one of my molars infected and pulled probably ranks up among the worst pain I've endured right under getting hit in the balls, and above getting heartbroken. As neets and potential hikkis who don't venture out a lot, please at least take care proper care of your teeth. I now sorely miss my left molar and wouldn't trade it for all the nice booze in the world, nor the finest tobaccos. Teasing the empty space with my tongue brings back a lot of feelings of regret but what's done is done and it would be in my best interest to learn from my mistakes and protect my remaining molar.

In other news, I've recently received a response from a job posting I saw online claiming to pay 50k+ commission in a sales position. The phone interview went great, and they wanted me to come in for an interview on Friday. Every sounded nice until I found their confirmation email in the spam folder. Well that's fine, I've also received email from reputable companies like Citi in the spam folder too but when I took a look at the contents, I noticed some red flags. Trips to Hawaii, Rolex watches, inviting friends who are also looking for work to come along for interview—all of these triggered my skepticism and made me wonder if this is something worth taking a day off work for, especially since I just took 2 days off to get my tooth pulled and recover this week. Maybe it's a culture difference seeing how this company is UK based, but I still just can't discard that feeling that this is a scam. Maybe my paranoia is just getting the better of me, or maybe I'm missing a good opportunity. Guess I'll never know if I don't go.

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